Ergodox Thoughts
After first week of almost full-time use.
- Currently…
- Need dash more accessible when typing command line options
- Need underscore more accessible when typing code / filenames / etc.
- Practice pipe with symbols layer
- Still not happy with shift modifier arrow editing chords
- Are dash and equals good enough in current index finger positions?
- Get better / consistent at using auto shift
- Is there a way to put Hyper and Meh on the regular keyboard to make more shortcuts available when not using Ergodox?
- Do something with Alfred clipboard shortcut and up/down arrows to select in it. Note: learn to use the search feature more often.
- Mouse between or outside halves?
- Want a solution for tenting. Buy from Ergodox or build?
- Return Ergodox wrist rests or keep? Had a neat idea for my own beanbag & wool design…
- Wait for Everglide Jade Green order before I do anything else.
- Want something more colorful for modifiers and the handful of marked caps that I’m using in the wrong position now. Not urgent.